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Travelling to the Asian continent can be one of the significant achievements you can start this 2023, especially if you’ll be accompanied by your significant other. Asia is home to rich cultures, tourist destinations, and gastronomic adventures. Thus, wherever you start, you’ll indeed have a good time if you make the essential preparations.

With this said, you might think it’ll take a lot of money to explore this part of the world. However, what if there’s a way that you can have a fun trip to discover different parts of Asia while on a budget?

Keep Tabs of Your Budget

If you’re travelling with your partner, that means twice the expenses. However, with proper budgeting, you can successfully enjoy your Asia trip without exhausting too much from your savings.

First, you must be honest about the total budget you prepared for the trip. After that, you’ll need to keep tabs on your expenses during the trip so that you won’t overspend what you have. However, this can also affect your travel experience because of constant worry about finances. Instead, you can consider ways to share the expenses so that the other person wouldn’t carry the costs alone.

You can consider pooling your money together and letting one person carry it. In this option, it’s best if you already have enough level of trust and intimacy. On the other hand, the second option is where the two of you will exchange in paying the bills, fees, etc. If you’ve paid for this one activity, the partner should pay for the next one.

However, splitting the costs and paying for yourselves can be a good option if you need something else. Again, there’s nothing wrong with whatever solution you’ve come up with. Ensure that you’re being transparent and open with your partner.

Consider Using One Card

You should also consider depositing your travel money in one account to keep track of your expenses easily. However, Take note that you must be mindful of the charges ATM issues with every withdrawal and money exchange transaction. That’s why it’s suggested to take as much money as you can afford to lose for your trip so that you’ll not need to pay for the charge as often.

As such, having one card that stores your travel expenses will let you not worry about extra charges when both of you make a transaction. This will allow you to keep track of your expenses easily. Again, this method will require much intimacy between the two of you. Still, it’s wise to keep an extra ATM card for emergencies.

This also means you must be careful about handling your expenses and keeping your money safe throughout your trip.

Some countries like South Korea use a card you can use as a mode of payment for bus rides and some stores. You must purchase your card in a convenience store and deposit or ‘load’ some money to the card. So, always research different things you can use for your travel.

Dress Accordingly

Again, Asia is home to rich culture, and every country is home to several religious traditions that tourists can enjoy. As such, there are tourist spots like temples and other sacred places that allow foreign visitors.

To show your respect, you must present yourself accordingly. Most temples require visitors to wear a conservative outfit like pants or a skirt below the knees or near the ankles and a shirt that doesn’t expose your chest area and shoulders, while some countries might also require you to wear a hijab.

If visiting a religious place is a spontaneous trip, and you haven’t prepared an outfit, stores usually sell the required dresses nearby. However, this means other expenses on your part. So, always ensure you’ve researched to prevent incidents like this.

Spend More Time Outdoors

One of the best things about Asia is that they boast several tropical countries and countless breathtaking beaches. Thus, even if you stay on a beach or have a picnic, you’ll be able to enjoy the sunshine while eating savoury local dishes. These activities are mostly free, and if you can find the perfect spot, you can save significant money on your lunch or dinner. It’s nothing fancy, but nature has its wonders, and looking at the beautiful views can be priceless.

Additionally, if you visit an Asian country during a festival, you can expect various activities on the streets, and not a day will go by without any fun programs. So, staying outdoors can fulfil the trip you’ve always wanted.

Discuss With Your Partner the Next Route

Depending on which part of Asia you plan to go to next, you’ll be welcomed with various activities that suit your preferences. Thus, you’ll never have good places to visit once you start. Still, if you plan to explore as many cities and countries from Asia, you should plan your route carefully.

However, if unsure, you can read travel reviews online or consider the recommendations of sites like Next Vacay’s couple destinations. Doing this will allow you to discover how they enjoyed the location and read new tips and tricks to maximize your stay.

Final Thoughts

Above mentioned tips and tricks are only a few of the most important things you must remember to help you with your next Asia trip. By doing further research, you might discover a thing or two that’ll also help you with budgeting and planning. So, for a good start, you can reread this article.




