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TravMedia IMM NY Marrys Writers to Industry Leaders WORLDWIDEOver 20 years ago, at an Annual General Meeting of the prestigious Australian Society of Travel Writers, that award-winning travel scribe Pamela Wright shouted her frustration to 150 of her peers.

Pamela was furious about having her inbox constantly invaded and bogged down by messages and images she most certainly didn’t want, could never use, and sent to her from people she did not even know…

Travmedia World Travel Mart

Travmedia World Travel Mart

Sitting in the audience was Nick Wayland, a travel writer at the time, who addressed the audience, asking: “If we build a system that would be a one-stop shop for travel images and information… where YOU could pick and choose, or reach out for information… Would you support it?”

With one voice, the ASTW members said yes, kick-starting what was to become the undisputed cutting-edge World Leader in the distribution of Tourism & Travel Media images and information.

The TravMedia system is a ‘closed-user-group’ platform and password protected, which resembles a ‘Fort Knox’ of images, contacts and press releases where nothing ever gets lost or tossed. With a search engine that acts at 30,000 words a second. It allows travel writers to ‘reach out’ for information with the movement of their mouse… without having to dig elsewhere.

The True KEY to TravMedia’s success is in its ability to create marriages and build bridges BETWEEN the Travel Media and the thousands of ‘sponsors’ in the form of airlines, attractions, accommodation, destinations, cruise outfits and many others who are keen to share the good oil on their respective destination or service… The fit is perfect, like a hand-in-glove for the Travel Media and the travel & tourism Industry folks keen to chat and share…

Dominika First sighting

Dominika First sighting

Media users are strictly vetted; once approved, the system is accessible 24/7… 365 days of the year ‘on the house’. Membership has its rewards!

To honour TravMedia’s Global success, travel presenter James Wilkinson recently did a chat with Nick, which we hope you’ll enjoy as much as we did…

Off the Record: Nick Wayland has continuously supported the notion that TravMedia could not have gained its place worldwide without the help of an entire army of people who believed in the platform’s merits. Public Relations professionals, travel writers, editors and researchers call it a ‘Must Have’ tool to success, and destinations, attractions, CVBs, hoteliers and countless other travel & tourism entities access the site hourly, daily and weekly…

GLOBAL Travel Media & Global Travel News add Our Congratulations to Nick and his team for a tool we’ve come to rely on every working day. Nick Wayland’s TravMedia platform has forever changed how Travel & Tourism Promotion works’.  Constant cutting-edge changes and enhancements to the platform keep it light-years ahead of any competition. Well Done, Mr Wayland and your entire team…



Written By: Mark William Sheehan




