With the skills and workforce shortages the biggest brake on Travel’s full recovery post-pandemic, The Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA) Workforce Taskforce today met with Minister for Skills and Training, The Hon. Brendan O’Connor.
Today’s briefing is the latest in a series of direct briefings AFTA has held with key Ministers and offices shaping the future of Australia’s Visitor Economy.
AFTA established the National Taskforce for Workforce and Careers with its primary objective to assist the industry overcome the chronic workforce shortages which is holding back our full recovery.
AFTA continues to provide opportunities for members to speak directly to Government on the issues impacting them support by detailed policy positions which government can implement.
Quotes from Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA) CEO Dean Long
“The reality of the ongoing massive challenge of workforce and skills shortages in Travel is hampering recovery at a time when the hunger to travel is sharp, and the booking complexities greater than ever before.”
“Australia’s travel professionals are doing all they can to bridge the shortfall but it’s not sustainable which is why we are grateful to have the on-going dialogue with Federal Government.”
“Today’s meeting with Minister O’Connor was constructive with significant ground covered including the need for both accredited and non-accredited in-house training to develop entry level and operational staff.”