This book contains information on hundreds of amazing and intriguing‘geosites’ based around rocks and landscapes in Australia, from world-famousiconic places such as Uluru to lesser-known but no less impressive attractions. Itis written in everyday English and lavishly illustrated with photos and drawingsto assist inquisitive travellers and interested readers to understand the shapingof rocks and landforms in this wonderful country.
The guide is basically a collection of stand-alone explanations of more than 200different geological features, varying in size from the Great Barrier Reef and theGreat Artesian Basin down to the various London Bridges of New South Wales,
Victoria and West Australia.Where sites are complex the author has selected interesting aspects that maynot have been previously known to readers. His aim has been to encouragevisitors to go much further than simply taking pretty photographs and tickingmust-see tourist boxes.
Each site account is packed with essential informationsuch as when to visit, where to park, which track to take and so on, all aimed athelping readers to make the most of their visits, and in the process making thisan indispensible guide
by Russell Ferrett