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Declared a UNCESCO City of Music since 2014, Hamamatsu officially identifies itself with music and there are plenty of ways to enjoy, celebrate and experience music here firsthand. We share some of the history and our top tips to incorporate some musical highlights into your next trip to Hamamatsu.

Hamamatsu’s musical roots began with organs and pianos. The city’s musical history started in 1887 with the establishment of the reed organ company, Nippon Gakki, now known as Yamaha. Kawai followed in 1927 and Roland in 2005. Other industries including motorcycle and automotive manufacturing evolved too, however, Hamamatsu’s identity remained fixed in musical instruments.

1. Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments.

Opened in 1981, the museum is the only one of its kind in Japan and has amassed a huge collection of musical instruments from around the world. Showcasing impressive antique European pianos and gamelan from Indonesia alongside famous Japanese brand musical instrument makers pieces, including rare synthesizers, drum machines, and so much more. A must for all music fans of every age, with interactive displays for kids and scheduled mini-concerts of piano and organ on Sundays and public holidays.

2. Yamaha Innovation Road

A museum that offers an insight into Yamaha’s corporate history and culture, where you can look at, listen to, and experience music at a multi-sensory level. Charting the company’s creative history, the museum has 12 areas, and introduces Yamaha’s products, innovative developments, and the latest technology.  There are interactive displays and you can also experience playing some of the instruments yourself. Entrance is free of charge but reservations are required in advance.

3. ACT CITY The Harmonica-Shaped Tower

Just moments from the Hamamatsu station there is a tower shaped like a harmonica known as ACT CITY, it is identified as a symbol of the city of music. The complex houses a range of halls and hosts all manner of musical performances and concerts and events, from local to international acts. One of the halls is known for its pipe organ and impressive audio equipment. The complex also features outdoor areas like the Chopin Hill park area.

4. Harmonica maker Showa Gakki Seizo Factory Tour

Showa Gakki Seizo is a harmonica manufacturer founded in Hamamatsu in 1947. They manufacture and sell standard tremolo harmonicas, single-reed harmonicas, and mini harmonicas. Craftsmen at the factory are highly skilled in making these instruments produce the perfect pitch. To find out how it’s done the factory offers tours in Japanese (bring your own interpreter).

Diary dates for music lovers: There are events throughout the year involving music, October is a highlight month with 2 stand-out festivals.

  1. Mid October annually Hamamatsu Jazz Week
  2. October – Yaramaika Festival in Hamamatsu