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Melco Resorts & Entertainment’s Splendors of China nationalistic learning program aims to promote patriotism by educating China’s cultural heritage, economic policies, social systems and values to colleagues and the community. To celebrate National Day of the People’s Republic of China, the Company’s volunteers are taking part in month-long celebrations starting from end-September through October together with the local community in collaboration with Melco’s NGO partners Women’s General Association of MacauConcordia School for Special EducationPou Tai Elderly Integrated Service CenterFederation of Trade Union (FAOM) Ka Ho Nursing HomeFAOM Chong Pak Chi Ka and Chong Pak Chi Ka Taipa; and llha Verde Neighbourhood Association.

Aiming to instill national pride and inculcate patriotism through education, activities include quiz games related to knowledge on China and important milestones of the Communist Party’s 100-year history, as well as patriotic music singing competitions. With the celebratory activities continuing from end-September through October, Melco will be dedicating a total of 250 hours to more than 400 beneficiaries comprising elderlies and students with special needs.