Private holiday accommodation owners were flooding to trusted booking platforms to meet the changing needs of the post pandemic traveller, according to Alloggio Founder & CEO, Will Creedon.
“Once the domain of the mum and dad operator and or traditional real estate businesses, there’s been a seismic shift of holiday accommodation hosts to branded short term rental operators, to take the headache out of property management and increase reach,’’ Mr Creedon said.
“This is particularly evident post-pandemic, where there are heightened expectations from guests in regard to hygiene standards, legal compliance, facilities such as work from home set ups, familiarity and flexibility.
“We are seeing a global response of tech and accommodation brands consolidating the market, to provide owners with the best options in an environment where consumer exceptions are constantly changing.
“While we have a long way to go to catch up with Europe and the USA, Australia is certainly maturing in that space where owners are seeking to become part of a bigger group with the power and reach to drive bookings through opening distribution to mass and boutique audiences.”
Mr Creedon said the short-term rental market in Australia faced a positive outlook based on the boom in domestic travel and large and growing addressable market worth an estimated $4.8 billion1 and with more than 500,000 properties on tap.
“The classic notion of exploring your own backyard first is back on the agenda, with Australians continuing to holiday domestically rather than risk an overseas trip.
“High overseas travel costs, cancellations, lost baggage and lengthy delays are dominating the headlines, raising the appeal of a local getaway,’’ he said.