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One lucky ticket holder will get to experience this year’s Airlie Beach Festival of Music on a whole new level thanks to a partnership between the festival, SeaLink Whitsundays and Australian singer-songwriter Sarah McLeod.

Anyone who buys a three-day pass before 5pm on Monday, October 3, will go into a draw to meet the Superjesus frontwoman, receive a signed 2022 festival T-shirt, have themselves and their ‘plus one’ upgraded to VIPs, and win a trip for two on the SeaLink Big Island Day Tour, taking in the Whitsunday islands and including a stop at world-famous Whitehaven Beach.

Everyone who has already bought a three-day pass and those who do so between now and the cut-off date are eligible to win.

Festival founder, Gavin Butlin, said this was the “ultimate package”, worth as much in the memories it would create as in its financial value.

“Our VIP packages alone cost $1,000 for the three-day event but provide food and drinks for six hours per day in the main tent and the chance to mingle with performing acts in an exclusive waterfront setting,” he said.

“This by itself is a way to experience the festival like a rockstar, but to also have the chance to visit the globally iconic Whitsunday islands and walk away with memorabilia signed by one of Australia’s top performers is the cherry on top.”

SeaLink Whitsundays General Manager, Rob Mitchell, said as one of the newer products in the region’s suite of offerings, it made perfect sense to team up with the music festival in offering this prize.

“SeaLink Whitsundays are very excited and proud to be able to support the Airlie Beach Festival of Music – which is such a fantastic event for the region – for the first time, and we look forward to strengthening our involvement in the coming years,” he said.

Having undertaken a number of the Whitsundays tours and experiences in her role as 2022 Airlie Beach Festival of Music ambassador, Sarah McLeod said this was an opportunity no festival fan should overlook.

“The Whitsundays is paradise and the view from the festival’s main tent is just jaw-dropping,” she said.

“Combine that with acts on the line-up like The Animals, Eskimo Joe, Ben Lee, Jon Stevens, Rogue Traders, Rick Price, Masters of Pop, Dallas Frasca and Mi-Sex, and this festival is a must for any music fan.

“As for this competition, you have to be in it to win it, so grab a three-day pass and cross your fingers and toes, because trust me, the FOMO is real.”

Tourism Whitsundays Chief Executive Officer, Rick Hamilton, said whoever was lucky enough to win this competition would be walking away with so much more than just the prize package.

“The beauty of destination events like this is that by combining the right mix of where you stay, play, and what you see and do, unique experiences are created that can’t be replicated elsewhere, and live on in your memories for a lifetime,” he said.

The Airlie Beach Festival of Music takes place from November 4-6.

Three day passes cost $300 and include access to the grand final of the national talent search ‘Passport to Airlie’ on Thursday, November 3, and official festival After Party on Monday, November 7 – both headlined by Sarah McLeod.

To enter the competition, purchase tickets, or for more information, visit www.airliebeachfestivalofmusic.com.au, and follow @airliebeachfestivalofmusic on Facebook and Instagram.

The Airlie Beach Festival of Music is supported by the Queensland Government through Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) and featured on the It’s Live! In Queensland events calendar.