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Grey Jet PlaneBut 9-Out-Of-10 Travelers Are Not Canceling Trips; One Third Are Buying Security Protection.

Most travellers (60%) have been concerned about international travel since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. While 90% have not changed their travel plans due to the war, more than a third are buying security evacuation protection, according to the Global Rescue Summer 2022 Traveler Safety and Sentiment Survey.

“International trip takers are gaining comfort with wartime travel. Close to half of travelers (42%) are keeping their itineraries for European travel that does not include Russia, Ukraine or other countries in Eastern Europe. That’s a 14% increase compared to earlier this year,” said Dan Richards, CEO of Global Rescue, the world’s leading provider of medical, security, evacuation and travel risk management services and a member of the U.S. Travel and Tourism Advisory Board at the U.S. Department of Commerce.

But for trips to Eastern Europe, the opposite is happening. According to the latest survey, more than half of travellers (58%) who planned or were planning a trip to Russia, Ukraine or any other country in Eastern Europe reported the war caused them to cancel or postpone a trip. The data represents a 28% jump in the share of travellers cancelling or postponing trips to the region compared to survey responses collected early this year.

A third of travellers (36%) say the war in Eastern Europe between Russia and Ukraine makes them more likely to obtain travel security services that provide evacuation and advisory services when they are in danger due to insurgent attacks, civil unrest and unpredictable natural disasters.

“Travel uncertainty generally increases traveler demand for emergency medical and security services. Between the war and the pandemic, travelers want medical and emergency response services more than ever,” Richards said.

Written by: Bill McIntyre
