Travel Costa Mesa is sharing stories of the communities that differentiate Costa Mesa as a tourist destination for all. As Travel Costa Mesa explores the attractions that make the city unique, they lean on content creators to speak on their personal experiences in the destination. Through the experiences of these content creators, Travel Costa Mesa shares authentic stories of the City of the Arts®.
In our third installation of this community relations initiative, Travel Costa Mesa follows Vincent Elejorde, an LGBTQ+ content creator, as he visits some of his favorite Costa Mesa destinations during Pride month. Vincent selected two ally-owned businesses to feature, South Coast Plaza, and worked with OC PRIDE on a fourth feature for an LGBTQ+ owned business in Costa Mesa, Strut Bar & Club. The features will be shared on Travel Costa Mesa’s social media channels and blog throughout the month of June in honor of Pride month. Each business had their own exciting connection to Vincent and we look forward to sharing these stories. This exclusive content has been appearing throughout the month of June on the Travel Costa Mesa blog at, Instagram @travelcostamesa, and on Facebook @travelcostamesa.