Tokyo is excited to be hosting the Tokyo International Industry Exhibition this year online and in physical format at Tokyo Big Sight. This major event will showcase outstanding technology, products and services of unique small and medium sized businesses with offices in the Tokyo Metropolitan area. With transformation to a more sustainable future and society through increased decarbonisation and digitalisation key themes, the event is much anticipated.
The purpose of the exhibition is to provide business opportunities to expand sales channels, realise inter-company collaboration, and to collect and exchange information.
Event dates: Online ->12 Oct. to 4 Nov 2022 & Tokyo Big Sight South Hall ->19 Oct to 21 Oct 2022
This year the exhibition theme is: ‘Interact, Create, Sustainable Future- Move on! TOKYO’
In the face of global crises such as a protracted struggle against the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, what society of Japan needed is to take immediate action for ‘sustainable recovery’ which means to transform to a more sustainable future and society. The key to the transformation is action for decarbonisation and digitalisation. The 2022 edition of the exhibition will bring together small and medium sized businesses having technologies, products and services for problem solving or propulsion of decarbonisation and digitalisation. Also, it provides an opportunity to push forward rapidly toward a robust and sustainable future for Japan and Tokyo.
Businesses eligible to participate include small and medium sized businesses with offices in the Tokyo metropolitan area (including Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa) and active in one of the exhibition fields: Information / Environment /Healthcare & Welfare / Metals & Machinery. And the NEW special zones:
-DX Zone – focused on small and medium businesses providing services or solutions that advanced digital transformation.
-Decarbonisation Zone – focused on small and medium sized businesses struggling with decarbonisation.
The exhibition is calling for applications until 22 July 2022. International applicants may apply by sending an email to the Secretariat by 22 July 2022 (email: Eligibility screening will be conducted based on application.
For further information about this exciting gathering of businesses please visit:
Organized by:
Tokyo International Industry Exhibition 2022 Executive Committee, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Federation of Tokyo Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Tokyo Metropolitan Federation of Societies of Commerce and Industry, Tokyo Metropolitan Federation of Small Business Associations, Tokyo Big Sight Inc., Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprise Support Center, Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute
Supported by:
General Incorporated Associations Tokyo Industry Federation, Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Tokyo Guarantee, Tokyo Small and Medium Business Investment & Consultation Co., Ltd.
With the cooperation of the following cities and prefectures Saitama Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Saitama City, Chiba City, Yokohama City, Kawasaki City, Sagamihara City