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Whether you have frequent business dealings abroad or keep having to fly to different states to help with expansion plans, business trips can be exhausting. You get all the stress and discomfort associated with a regular trip, but unlike tourists, you don’t have a schedule full of relaxing activities waiting for you on the other side of the trip.
The good news is that while business trips can be draining, there are ways to minimize how exhausting they can be. Here are some tips that will help make things easier for frequent business travelers.
1 – Start a travel kit
The best way to make sure you’ll never forget to pack a toothbrush or deodorant again is to never unpack them. Instead, keep a travel kit with basic necessities ready to go at all times, so all you’ll have to do is pack the kit instead. You’ll find retailers selling complete travel kits, but building your own with stuff you can get off the shelf is often more affordable. And it allows you to choose the right items to meet your needs.
2 – Leverage travel apps
Think of the last time you were frustrated at an airport, and there is at least a 50% chance that an app could have solved that problem. From online check-ins to being able to track the location of your plane using your phone, travel apps can make a huge difference in how smooth your trip is going to be.
Which apps you should choose depends on the kind of route you usually travel on. But you should at least have your airline app and a travel planner app to help smooth things over. A good flight tracking app is also a must.
3 – Invest in a power bank
Just imagine the situation. You’re out looking for commercial real estate for sale on the second day of your trip, you have the phone browser open on a website like this one to check for address, and then you get a 5% battery warning. You forgot to charge it last night.
It happens to the best of us. And the best way to make sure that battery woes will never impede your work is to carry a power bank with you. A power bank about the size of your phone can hold enough power to charge it twice, and they’re easy to carry in a jacket pocket or backpack.
4 – Look after your body
One way to reduce travel fatigue on long flights is to give your body some attention. Stretch before, during — to the extent that’s possible —, and after the flight. And try to stay hydrated and avoid unhealthy foods during the trip. Combining these factors can be the difference between being ready to work after a short nap and needing a full day to recover from your flight.
5 – Invest in a great carry-on bag
Don’t underestimate the difference that a well-designed carry-on bag can have on your travel experience. Not only will a great bag help keep your stuff safe and organized, but they often implement creative ways to help you fit more in the same amount of space. And that’s a great perk, especially if it allows you to avoid the hassle of baggage claim by traveling with just your carry-on.