The Black Cultural Heritage Tours Collectionã celebrates and offers access to rich Black history and culture year-round, while leveling the playing for small Black-owned businesses to recover from the pandemic, and actively participate and profit in the travel industry. This collection of tour products was created by the National Blacks in Travel and Tourism Collaborative in partnership with the Cultural Heritage Alliance for Tourism, Inc.
“Many Black tour operators and other minority suppliers were not fully participating and profiting in the industry full-time prior to the pandemic and many have closed their doors permanently since the pandemic,” says Stephanie M. Jones, Founder of the National Blacks in Travel and Tourism Collaborative and President of Cultural Heritage Alliance for Tourism, Inc., a Black-owned receptive tour operator based in Miami, FL.
The tour itineraries create equitable opportunities for local Black-owned tour operators, restaurants, bed & breakfasts/boutique hotels, transportation providers, local artists, cultural attractions, and retailers. They aim to drive consistent tourists’ foot traffic and revenue to help underrepresented businesses become sustainable and scalable. They offer transformative experiences for culturally curious travelers to engage in responsible travel as their dollars directly support recovery and sustainability of these minority suppliers.
New SE region tour itineraries are available for booking for 2022-2023. Additional tour itineraries covering more U.S. regions are in development and will go to market 2023-2024.
These tour products bridge the past to present showcasing over 400 years of Black history and untold stories about little known Black pioneers, civil rights activists, inventors, and modern-day trailblazers who have contributed to building and shaping our great nation. Also, they showcase Black culture today through food, art, music, dance, and shopping experiences.
The first series of Black cultural heritage tour itineraries cover the SE region of the U.S., amplifying stories of the Gullah Geechee Corridor, Civil Rights Movement, Underground Railroad, Middle Passage, social and racial injustice, the Black church, culinary and cultural arts, and Black contemporary culture.
Interested in learning more about The Black Cultural Heritage Collection, visit or contact Stephanie Jones at
The Black Cultural Heritage Tours Collection Amplifies Black-Owned Businesses, Celebrates Black History & Culture 365 Days a Year and Offers Transformative Experiences for Culturally Curious Travelers