For the first time, all carbon emissions from this year’s ITM Conference “ACCELERATE” in Birmingham ,will be offset, thanks to the event’s first-ever sustainability partner, travel management company (TMC) – ATPI (
As the inaugural sustainability partner, ATPI’s sustainability division, ATPI Halo, will ensure the event is as environmentally friendly as possible. This includes offering accredited carbon-offsetting, in the form of nature-based conservation and alternative energy investment, to offset the conference’s CO2 footprint – encompassing travel to and from the event for all attending.
Further sustainable initiatives ATPI has put in place for the conference include plantable passes which feature a seedling packet, lanyards made from recycled plastic and no single-use plastics throughout the event.
In addition to being the event’s sustainability partner, ATPI is also supporting delegates with on-stand practical advice around sustainable travel and carbon offsetting.
Pippa Ganderton, product director, ATPI Halo said:
“As we continue to see the return to travel for business purposes, we’re taking the opportunity of this ITM conference to highlight the importance of a robust approach to sustainability. It’s a good time to make a fresh start with a more environmentally considerate approach. We’re looking forward to talking to clients and potential clients about how they can return to travel in a more sustainable way.”
ATPI Halo launched in September 2021 as the first sustainability-specific venture from a TMC. The consultancy works to help travel buyers better understand the science behind travel and events related CO2 emissions, establishing where in the supply chain they are produced, and using robust and accurate reporting to identify ways to reduce the emissions footprint as well as offering carbon offsetting programmes of the highest standards.
ATPI Halo is just one division of the ATPI Group which operates from 100+ offices worldwide with successful operations in corporate travel, corporate event management, online travel technology and specialist travel management for a number of key industries, including the energy and shipping sectors, as well as sports events.
The ITM 2022 Conference “ACCELERATE” takes place 27 – 28 April 2022 at Hilton Birmingham Metropole. For more information, see
For more information on ATPI and ATPI Halo, please visit