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Thought this would be of interest to EGlobal Travel Media’s event listings this Easter.

CADBURY is hosting their a virtual Easter egg hunt again this year, giving chocolate lovers across Australia the chance to join the iconic Worldwide Easter Hunt.

Utilising Google Maps technology to deliver this virtual Easter experience, you can start hiding a CADBURY Easter Egg for that special someone to find. With new user enhancement to the platform, there is now an Egg Dashboard that allows you to manage the eggs you hide and notifies you when they are found. The innovative, Worldwide Hunt will launch 15 March 2022.

From world map to Street View, you’ll be able to pinpoint exactly where your egg is positioned.

Missing a family member overseas or an office buddy that’s still working from home? Invite them to join the hunt.

CADBURY’s Worldwide Hunt provides a virtual means to enjoy the magic and spirit of Easter.

The Worldwide Hunt gives participants the option to leave a poignant clue, followed by a tailored sentimental message for when the seeker finds a hidden egg. Participants hiding Eggs for recipients within Australia can also take it one step further, nominating to deliver a real-life bespoke CADBURY gift to the seeker’s doorstep.

An online exclusive, there are seven chocolate gifting options to choose from, including a personalised CADBURY Crème Egg Tin, bespoke CADBURY DAIRY MILK Egg Tin and a CADBURY Easter hamper filled with goodies, CADBURY Easter Cottage Activity Pack, CADBURY Easter Gift Tin and CADBURY Family Hunt Pack.