Melco Chairman & CEO Lawrence Ho offers Colleagues special paid leave for accompanying children and elderly parents for vaccination.
Melco Resorts & Entertainment continues to support the Macau government’s efforts to build immunity. Further to its MOP 16 million Get the Jab immunity incentive program encouraging Colleagues suitable to take the COVID-19 vaccine to become fully vaccinated, the Company’s Chairman & CEO Lawrence Ho announced today that up to three days of special paid leave will be granted for Colleagues to support their children under 18 years of age and elderly parents who need to be accompanied to get vaccinated, subject to established guidelines.
Mr Lawrence Ho, Chairman & CEO of Melco, said, “The health and safety of our Colleagues, community and customers are of paramount priority. To encourage the vaccination of children and elderly parents of our Colleagues, we will be giving paid special days off for our Colleagues to accompany their children and elderly parents to get vaccinated.”
The effort is additional to Melco’s Get the Jab program, in which the Company earmarked $16 million in incentives towards the goal of increasing immunity. Get the Jab incentives included million-dollar lucky draws for all eligible, fully vaccinated Colleagues, in which six Colleagues each won $1 million in cash prizes. The program’s other initiatives incentivizing Colleagues to become inoculated against COVID-19 included MOP 1,000 prize money for each fully vaccinated Colleague, shuttle transportation to attend vaccination appointments, and paid vaccine leave. Also, in coordination with the Macau Health Bureau and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Company provided Colleagues with educational seminars and vaccination outreach sessions.
Edited by: Stephen Morton