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Public RelationsIf there was ever a time to capture the Australian and NZ visitor market, it is now!

As of 21 February 2022, the Australian border will open, allowing Australians to travel internationally for the first time since the 20 March 2020 border closure.  That’s 702 days of no international travel for Australians.

This is certainly significant for a country that ranks 9th on consulting firm Timetric’s survey of the World’s Top Ten Biggest Travelers.  Before Covid 19, almost 1 out of 3 Australians travelled internationally every year, and they are chomping at the bit to do so again.

Suzanne Tobin, CEO of Latitude PR says, “For the past two years when Australians talked to friends, one of their first discussions would be, ‘What are the top destinations you are going to visit when the borders open?”.

“These conversations were often held via zoom as much of Australia was in lockdown, with residents in the Australian capital city of Melbourne experiencing over 200 days in lockdown.

Ms Tobin continued, “Australians are intrepid travellers, so you can expect to see Aussie’s seeking travel inspiration and booking holidays in plague proportions”.

Latitude PR is an Australian based PR firm that specializes in tourism public relations and destination management.

With extensive experience and first-rate contacts with Australian and NZ media, Latitude PR can get your destination or hotel in front of Australians/New Zealanders who are ready to travel.

For more information on Latitude PR, visit www.latitudepr.com.au or reach out on suzanne@latitudepr.com.au