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The world tourism industry suffered a major backlog because of the pandemic. The industry bore uncountable losses and is still facing the grind.
However, this world demands adaptation and so does the travel and tourism industry. Thus, the tourism, aviation and hospitality businesses need to become resilient and strong to stay afloat in an unprecedented long crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic
The United Nations World Trade Organization, along with the World Health Organization has come up with ways on how the tourism industry can perform well, without worsening the density of cases.
Togetherness is the power
In times like the present, maintaining an equilibrium is of utmost importance. Curbing the effects of the virus is essential and maintaining the livelihood of people working in the tourism sector is also important.
The UNWTO is taking a collaborative and multilateral approach to harmonise tourism in a way that that industry can pursue business keeping in mind all the essential COVID-19 protocols. Tourism is an essential part of society; thus, it can’t be suspended indefinitely. So, adapting with new rules and following them religiously will help the travelers and business runners, both.

Source: Pixabay

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Exploring new horizons 
This is the time when the world tourism industry needs innovation and new ideas to explore. The industry has huge potential and UNWTO is promoting new startups to come up and shower the industry with new technological innovations.
According to a report published by UNWTO, “the global innovation ecosystem is now made up of more than 12,000 start-ups from 160 countries, with USD 83 million mobilised and 300 corporate partners currently working on new tourism technologies.”
Additionally, thinking of tourism’s future without inculcating green investment will be a loss. The world tourism industry needs to adapt to green technology and take utmost advantage of technological innovations for a resilient future.

Source: Pixabay
Tourism as a tool for development for the people and the planet 
The industry has extensive capacity for providing livelihood to millions. The industry now needs to explore ways in which the marginalised communities and rural sections can take maximum benefit from the sector.
The industry can be further used as a tool for encouraging rural development. The rural areas are serene and filled with natural beauty. Thus, such areas should be promoted through tourism so that these places receive better investment and developmental opportunities
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Nations, industry leaders and international organisations need to join hands together if they want to realise the full potential of the tourism industry. The pandemic has highlighted where the industry lags; thus, this is the time to work on the weaknesses so that a more resilient and reliable future lays ahead for the world tourism sector.