As a Christmas special, Good Morning America, a daily breakfast time show in the United States is doing a live broadcast from Rovaniemi the Official Hometown of Santa Claus®. Good Morning America wishes to reassure all the children of the United States that Covid will not stop Santa Claus.
The adventures of the host Maggie Rulli will reach more than 10 million views plus people over the internet and streaming, making this a huge chance for children across the US to have a peak at Santa´s Village on the Arctic Circle in Finnish Lapland.
Maggie Rulli sure brings the holiday mood to the viewers as she embarks on a Christmas adventure in Santa Claus Village, meeting Santa Claus at Santa Claus Office and his reindeer at Santa Claus Reindeer. Aww the cuteness when Maggie meets up with the soft huskies at Arctic Circle Huskypark and cruises in the magical Snowman World, not to mention a visit to the traditional Lappish home of wonderful Irene Kangasniemi.
Salla Tauriainen Media Coordinator of Visit Rovaniemi states that the visit from Good Morning America has been a dream for many years. “This is a dream come true for me professionally, to finally work with the Good Morning America team here in Rovaniemi. For years we have dreamed of this collaboration and finally this wish came true. Like Santa Claus always says -some dreams come true and some don´t, glad to check this wish on my list”. Tauriainen says and finalizes how much she enjoyed working with the highly professional Good Morning America team.