In collaboration with the National Forest Service, Waterville Valley Resort is excited to announce upgrades to the Nordic Trail System. This project involves upgrading an existing logging road, historically named Roughrider. Waterville Valley Resort will be upgrading this old logging road to cross-country ski trail specifications, which involves the construction of a 13-foot-wide multi-seasonal trail, levelling the ground, removing the water bars, and installing culvert crossings. This new trail will connect the existing Upper Criterion Trail to the Upper Snows Trail, creating a new link between the South End System and the North End System. Once completed, the new trail will add approximately 1.43 km to our existing 72 km of Nordic Trails.
Waterville Valley Resort’s Nordic Trail System will substantially benefit from the construction of this new trail. The existing Nordic Trail system is fragmented between the North and South Ends. Not only is this problematic for grooming machines, but it encourages Nordic skiers to remain within one end of the Nordic System. Creating a connector trail between the North and South Ends will be of significant benefit to Nordic skiers, as this new trail will provide greater and easier access between both ends.
Waterville Valley Resort hopes to integrate this new trail into our Nordic System this upcoming season. Given that the project is ongoing, the trail is still at its original width of 10 feet. Due to this narrow width, the new trail will likely be one-way usage only, with grooming via snowmobile this season. Once the project is complete and the trail is fully widened to cross-country ski trail specification, we will open the trail to two-way traffic. Stay tuned, more details will be released later this season! Keep an eye on for updates!