More fantastic industry rates on Oceania Cruises. There are fabulous travel agent and industry levels. Oceania Cruises is the world’s leading culinary- and destination- focused cruise line. The line’s seven small, luxurious ships (684 – 1250 guests) cruise the globe. It is ‘Classic Elegance’ on Oceania. Larger ships simply cannot provide the pronounced intimacy, cosiness and personalized vacation experience for which Oceania Cruises has become renowned. Spacious staterooms with tasteful furnishings, Bulgari amenities, with the finest of linens. Industry rates extend to Concierge level. Please see below.
Travel Industry Club office will close at noon on December 24 and will reopen on Wednesday 05 January. You can send emails for any enquiries and they will be actioned as soon as possible.
It has been a very difficult 20 months and we have endeavoured to keep you advised of the updates as we receive them. We are very grateful for your continued support and engagement with us. It has been a very turbulent and confusing time for us all, with unclear directives on travel restrictions from both the Federal and State Governments. We just thank you for being loyal TIC members and for ‘tuning in’ to see our offers. We are, as you have seen, receiving many new cruise offers for 2022 and will be updating our website and Newsletter as they come to hand.
Thank you members and we wish you, your family, travelling companions a very Merry Christmas and we all hope for a better New Year.
Travel Agent rates: Amazing prices.
Discounts of up to 80%
Bali / Tokyo 27 Feb 22, 20 nights standard from
Los Angeles / Papeete 06 Jan 22 23 nights from
Bangkok / Cape Town 16 Apr 22, 35 nights from
Buenos Aires / Rio de Janeiro 14 Feb 22, 18 nights from
Travel Agents and travelling companion eligible.
All discounts and prices are per person twin share.
See Oceania Cruises Health & Safety Programme
Book now!

Industry Rates
Discounts of up to 70%
Bali / Tokyo 27 Feb 22, 20 nights standard from
Tokyo / Hong Kong 19 Mar 22, 16 nights from
Hong Kong / Bangkok 04 Apr 22,12 nights from
Bangkok / Cape Town 16 Apr 22, 35 nights from
All discounts and prices are per person twin share.
See Oceania Cruises Health & Safety Programme
See website for more sailings and details