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The House of DreamMaker (https://HouseofDreamMaker.com), the most creative experiential travel & event curator in the world, makes giving back and sustainability uniquely fun for traveling Americans and Rwandans in their interactions, creating for a Texas family a heartwarming, first-of-its-kind experience by engaging in an activity they might have not otherwise considered.Travelers who circumnavigate tricky Covid-19 laden obstacles to experience the amazing Gorilla trekking in Rwanda, find themselves wondering what to do in the volcanic landscapes of Rwanda where options are limited to nature walks, bike rides and the like.  Experientiality, one of several boutiques in The House of DreamMaker, relishes this kind of challenge. While the company continues to give back to the communities wherever it hosts its travelers, it’s another matter trying to get its well-heeled clients to think about planting trees, when writing a check suffices in their mind. This is why Gregory Patrick, “The Dreammaker”, loves to design experiences that entertain while creating an immersive interaction with locals.
In this case, the family’s day begins with a drive to a local village where they witnessed an impromptu demonstration of Procter & Gamble’s miracle water purification packets – cleaning a gallon of water that would normally come close to killing a bull.
Before their disbelieving eyes, the water turned to perfectly clean, parasite and bacteria free drinking water; something they’d have to walk 30 minutes to procure every day. Experientiality then delighted the amazed onlookers with a supply of packets they can save for the days that leave them without water.
Converting mud into water was the easy part. Now, how do you get them on their knees to plant trees? Experientiality designed what they call their “fruit tree ambush” – the family is taken to random houses bearing gifts of “imishanana”(ceremonial dress) for the ladies of the house, a dress shirt for their husbands and pastries from the city for the children. Not a bad start.
As the homeowner begins to process as to why there’s 20 Rwandan workers holding shovels in their yard, not to mention a Westerner with big grins asking permission to plant fruit trees in their yard, it becomes clear these are not debt collectors. After the initial shock wears off, the family points to their soon-to-be garden of fruit trees and after 30 minutes of laughs, the family is off to the next “ambush”.
The House of DreamMaker is the world’s first experiential travel design boutique, providing its guests with Unbound Amazement for over three decades. The design house is known for its traveling butlers, outrageous and often edgy experience designs and has its own charitable foundation which is funded solely from a generous percentage of its revenues, much of which is in the form of “Experiential Giving”.
The design house has recently funded and/or contracted to fund several NGOs in Asia ranging from providing boats for kids to avoid swimming to school, to planting seedlings (with three year’s maintenance) for 160 trees along with associated environmental initiatives, and the creation of organic gardens to feed approximately 1,800 people.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of The House of DreamMaker.