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In the aftermath of Hurricane Ida, at least 155 New Orleans hotels are temporarily closed due to power outages, staffing issues and third-party services such as linen providers being offline, according to the latest data and analysis from STR.Including all NOLA data benchmarking participants, STR researched the operating status of 208 hotels accounting for 35,835 rooms. From that group, 155 properties (75%) and 28,756 rooms (80%) are currently closed.

Because most closures are due to temporary conditions around the city and not property damage, the expectation is there will not be widespread permanent closures. Most hotels are showing short-term reopening dates as of now, but there will be shifts in dates in the coming weeks and months as properties make determinations based on power restoration, supplier availability, staffing and demand.

Of the estimated 155 properties currently closed, 41 are not reporting a projected opening date.

Projected reopenings by month:

Month Properties Rooms % of current room closures
September 30 10,290 35.8%
October 46 7,065 24.6%
Nov./Dec. 23 2,982 10.4%
2022+ 15 1,446 5.0%
No date currently listed 41 6,973 24.2%
Totals 155 28,756