Tourism operators and their staff around the country will be relieved by today’s confirmation that the wage subsidy remains available to them, according to Tourism Industry Aotearoa.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said this morning that the wage subsidy is still available nationwide, while any part of New Zealand is in COVID-19 Alert Level 3 or 4.
While Auckland remains at Level 4, domestic travel and visitor activity suffers in every region, TIA Chief Executive Chris Roberts says.
“Aucklanders are the biggest source of domestic visitors and while Auckland remains at a higher alert level, it severely limits how much tourism activity is seen around the rest of the country,” Mr Roberts says.
The additional requirements under Level 2 are sensible given what is known about the Delta variant but it will be difficult for many event, hospitality and tourism businesses to operate under the new conditions.
So the wage subsidy will continue to be a lifeline for businesses wanting to keep their staff employed.
“The measures taken to date appear to be containing the outbreak but all tourism businesses are looking forward to getting back to Level 1,” Mr Roberts says.
TIA continues to encourage everyone to get vaccinated.
“The higher the vaccination rate, the greater likelihood that we can get on top of this virus and enjoy the freedom to travel again.”