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The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) estimates it has received 7,734,307 completed forms in the 2021 Census as of Monday 16 August at 8:00am.

The tally is based on forms submitted online through the Census Digital Service 6,952,502 and 781,805 paper forms mailed to the ABS by households.

Whilst the response to date is pleasing, the ABS is now focussing on households that have not yet completed their Census reminding them that it is now overdue.

Andrew Henderson, Census Executive Director and National Spokesperson said, “We’d like to thank the seven million households that have already completed their Census. For those households that haven’t completed yet, it’s not too late.

“The Census is compulsory, and we urge people to complete now.

“If you don’t have your instruction letter, you can immediately complete online by selecting our ‘Get a Census Number’ option. You can also request a paper form online, or by calling us on 1800 512 441. If you’ve already ordered a paper form, it is on its way to you.

“This week, overdue reminder letters will be sent to households that haven’t yet completed, and field staff will start following up where it is safe to do so under local COVID restrictions.

“There are a range of help and support options for people who need assistance to complete their Census by going to www.census.abs.gov.au or by calling 1800 512 441.

The Census form tally below includes household online and paper forms received by the ABS as of Monday 16 August at 8:00am. The rate at which forms are received will differ across states and territories due to the different levels of paper forms provided across Australia and different delivery timeframes.

State/Territory Household forms received (online and paper) Household forms received (estimated %) *


Australian Capital Territory 156,841 79%
Victoria 2,108,757 73%
New South Wales 2,424,447 69%
South Australia 565,318 69%
Western Australia 779,393 67%
Queensland 1,468,095 64%
Tasmania 158,275 60%
Northern Territory 51,502 56%
Australia** 7,734,307 69%

*The percentage of forms received is calculated by dividing the number of households that have submitted forms by the estimated number of households (or dwellings). The estimated number of households includes dwellings that were unoccupied on Census night, which will be removed when the final Census response rate is calculated.

**The tally for Australia is greater than the sum of all states and territories due to forms that are yet to be categorised to a particular state or territory.