Packing for a holiday is never an easy task, and often, the dreaded question of “what have I forgotten?” is faced by many as they depart on their journey to their destination of choice. Unfortunately, asking yourself this question repeatedly won’t help the forgotten items magically appear out of thin air, and while most destinations will have easy access to shops so that you can rectify your mistake, taking a proactive approach can be a better solution. Hence, making a list comes into play, and while a toothbrush and underwear are likely to be the first in your suitcase, the less obvious items should make an appearance too. We’ll look at which overlooked items shouldn’t be missed off your list and why exactly they are more essential than you might first think.

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Repair Kit
Forgotten but needed by many. Whether staying at a campsite or a beach hotel, there’s always the possibility that something can break. From a tear in a tent to a rip in a summer piece of clothing, some strong adhesive glue or a needle and thread can go a long way to make the broken unrecognisable. If you’re only venturing to a local campsite and might be faced by a downpour of rain, glue can be your saving grace to ensure your tent doesn’t become flooded with rain through the unexpected hole in your tent. Yet, needle and thread will come in handy for those potential fashion disasters and save your outfit from making it to the bottom of your pile.
First Aid Kit
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Just like it’s possible your belongings might be involved in an accident, it’s also possible you might need access to some first aid yourself, like a plaster, insect repellent, or after sun. While we like to avoid accidents where we can, it’s inevitable that they might happen, and sometimes it’s from something as simple as wearing new shoes that irritate your feet and cause a blister to peep out from the shadows. It’s always a good idea to think about your destination when preparing a first aid kit. Whereas plasters are always a good item to carry around with you, aftersun might not always be necessary, especially if you’re going on holiday in the winter.
Rainproof gear
Despite the best efforts of our weathermen and women, the weather can still be unpredictable and change at any given moment. So, even if your destination of choice is forecast glorious sunshine for the whole two weeks you’re there, it’s always a good idea to be prepared for any weather occasion. This doesn’t mean packing a whole summer and winter wardrobe into one 20kg suitcase, but rather, ensuring you have an umbrella, a thin waterproof jacket, and some shoes that can protect your feet from the elements.
So, whether you’re going on a staycation or venturing abroad to another country, each of these items are worthwhile packing as you never know when they might come in handy.