The Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) announced that over 100 businesses have been approved for the Guam Safe Certification and World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) Safe Travels stamp.“We’ve seen a great response to this global program which we launched back in March. It demonstrates that our island is held to the highest standards of safety, compliance, and cleanliness during this pandemic,” said Dr. Gerry Perez, GVB Vice President. “The more businesses and establishments that apply and get certified, the better for us to market the entire island as a COVID safe destination. I also want to thank the hotel properties that have participated in this free program.”
GVB has been promoting the participating businesses in its source markets as the set standard for health and safety protocols around the island. Certified businesses and partners for the Guam Safe Certification and WTTC Safe Travel Stamp are also highlighted on GVB’s consumer website,
Hotel properties join forces
To date, 100 applications have been approved. Nearly all operational hotel properties have also applied and been approved as well. The properties include Bayview Hotel, Days Inn Guam, Dusit Beach Resort Guam, Dusit Thani Guam Resort, Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts Guam, Grand Plaza Hotel, Guam Plaza Resort & Spa, Guam Reef Hotel, Hilton Guam Resort & Spa, Hotel Nikko Guam, Hyatt Regency Guam, Leopalace Resort Guam, Lotte Hotel Guam, Onward Beach Resort, Pacific Islands Club, Sheraton Laguna Guam Resort, Tsubaki Tower, The Westin Resort Guam, and Wyndham Garden Guam.