Earth Uprising, Hip Hop Caucus, Education International, and EARTHDAY.ORG are producing three days of climate action events to bring awareness to humanity’s greatest existential threat and raise ambition across numerous environmental issues.
Tomorrow, April 20 at 2:30PM ET, Earth Uprising, in collaboration with hundreds of youth climate activists, will present the “Youth Speaks Summit 2021.” The global youth summit will consist of panels, speeches, discussions, and special messages with today’s youth climate activists including Greta Thunberg, Alexandria Villaseñor, Licypriya Kangujam, Xiye Bastida, Jamie Margolin, and Vanessa Nakate. The four-hour digital summit will address the progress that has been made on their main issues of concern, including climate literacy, green jobs, and environmental justice. For a full list of demands that they are seeking to be addressed at the Biden Administration’s climate summit and more information, please visit:
On April 20 at 7PM ET, the Hip Hop Caucus and its partners will present the “We Shall Breathe” virtual summit. The event will bring together some of the most powerful, multigenerational Black, Indigenous and Brown leaders working on pollution, the pandemic, police brutality, poverty and policy to affirm to the Biden Administration that racial justice and climate justice solutions must come from frontline and BIPOC communities. Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Jr., Founder & President of Hip Hop Caucus; Emerald Garner, Daughter of Eric Garner, We Can’t Breathe Inc.; Elizabeth Yeampierre, Climate Justice Alliance and UPROSE; Chase Iron Eyes, Indigenous Peoples Movement; and many other important voices will be in attendance. For a full list of demands, please visit:
On April 21 from 1pm-4pm CEST, Education International will lead the “Teach for the Planet: Global Education Summit.” The multilingual virtual event will feature inspiring teachers, student leaders, prominent activists, engaged ministers, and examples from every continent focused on the crucial role that educators and their unions play in combating climate change and why we need transformative climate education now. The event will launch Education International’s Manifesto for Quality Climate Change Education for All and its Teach for the Planet global campaign leading up to COP26. The event will include interpretation in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. For more information, please visit:
For the 51st Earth Day, EARTHDAY.ORG has gathered a diverse lineup of activists, global leaders, musicians, educators, industry leaders, influencers and artists from around the world for the second annual digital livestream event. Discussions, performances, presentations and films will explore the innovative and powerful solutions to Restore Our Earth.
Earth Day Live: Restore Our Earth will be streamed live at 12PM ET on April 22 via, Facebook (and via Facebook’s Climate Science Information Center), Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, and GEM-TV. The virtual event will be hosted by Alexandria Villaseñor, Founder of Earth Uprising and Youth Climate Activist, and Milana Vayntrub, Actress, Comedian, Writer, Director. For more information on Earth Day Live and Earth Day 2021, please visit:
As a part of EARTHDAY.ORG’s partnership with TED Countdown, the digital event will include three original TED Countdown Talks by John Marshall, Cory Combs and Rumaitha Al Busaidi. Additionally, the program will feature segments from Education International’s “Teach for the Planet: Global Education Summit,” Hip Hop Caucus’ “We Shall Breathe” virtual summit, as well as Earth Uprising’s “Youth Speaks Summit.”
“For over half a century, hundreds of millions of people from around the globe have taken political and volunteer action on Earth Day, yet multiple accelerating environmental and health crises continue to envelop our planet, impacting everyone but particularly the poor and vulnerable who live among us. On behalf of the one billion people who will take part in Earth Day this year, even in the midst of a second year of the pandemic, we demand that the talking stop and that governments and corporations commit to net-zero emissions by 2040 with an interim goal of cutting emissions in half by 2030. Anything less will deprive our children of their right to inherit a habitable planet,” said Kathleen Rogers, President of EARTHDAY.ORG.
This year’s powerful lineup includes:
AJR, Band
His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco
Alexandria Villaseñor, Founder of Earth Uprising and Youth Climate Activist
Amita N. Vyas, PhD, MHS, Professor at George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health and Director of the Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health
Andrea Illy, Chairman of illycaffè
Andrei Cherny, CEO, Aspiration
Ann Veneman, Former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Bill McKibben, Co-Founder, and Scholar-in-residence, Middlebury College
Brothers Osborne and Lucie Silvas, Musicians
Caue Suplicy, Founder and Chairman of Barnana
Chris Packham, Award-Winning Conservationist, Photographer and Author
Clarence E. Anthony, CEO and Executive Director of the National League of Cities
Ed Begley, Jr., Actor, Environmentalist, Global Advisory Committee Member
Elizabeth Whitlow, Executive Director, Regenerative Organic Certified
Florence Blondel, Journalist, Population & Development Expert and Activist
Mayor Frank Cownie of Des Moines, Iowa and President of ICLEI
Gabriel Quijandría, Minister of the Environment, Peru
Gina McCarthy, White House National Climate Advisor
Grace Potter, Musician
Greta Thunberg, Youth Climate Activist
Haldis Holst, Deputy General Secretary of Education International
Heba Alfarra, United Nations Environment Champion of the Earth for West Asia and Founder of Women in Energy & Environment at MENA Region
Ibrahim Thiaw, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
James Gaspard, CEO of Biochar Now LLC
John Kerry, United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate
Dr. Jonathan Foley, Executive Director of Project Drawdown
Sir José Ramos-Horta, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (1996), Former President & Prime Minister of Timor-Leste
Fr. Joshtrom Isaac Kureethadam, Coordinator of the Sector of Ecology and Creation at the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
Justin Kamine, Co-Founder and Partner of KDC Agriculture and EARTHDAY.ORG Board Member
Dame Karen Pierce, British Ambassador to the United States
Kate Williams, CEO, 1% For The Planet
Kathleen Rogers, President, EARTHDAY.ORG
Mayor Katja Dörner, City of Bonn, Germany
Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, Atlanta, Georgia
Kevin O’Leary, Venture Capitalist
Kristen Bell, Actress and Producer
Licypriya Kangujam, 9-year-old Climate Activist & Founder of The Child Movement
Lucas Niepold, Incoming Student at Bristol Community College Studying Offshore Wind Power Technology
The Mahers Family
Marianne Williamson, Author
Mary Steenburgen, Actor and Musician
Michael S. Regan, United States EPA Administrator
Dr. Michael Greger, Founder of, Physician, Plant-based diet Advocate
Mike Berners-Lee, Researcher and Writer
Mitzi Jonelle Tan, Arctic Angel and Climate Justice Activist
Nick Clegg, VP, Global Affairs & Communications, Facebook
Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Patrizio Bianchi, Minister of Public Education, Italy
Pattie Gonia (Wyn Wiley), Intersectional Environmentalist & Advocate
His Holiness Pope Francis
Ricky Kej, Grammy® Award Winner
Sally Ranney, President and Co-Founder of Global Choices, President of the American Renewable Energy Institute, and Board Member, National Wildlife Federation
Simon Robson, Award-Winning Animation Director, and Environmental Activist
Stuart Pimm, PhD, Doris Duke Professor of Conservation Ecology at Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment and Founder and President of Saving Nature
Dr. Sweta Chakraborty, Risk and Behavioral Scientist
Terry Spahr, Producer of 8 Billion Angels and Executive Director of Earth Overshoot
Tom Lovejoy, “Godfather of Biodiversity,” President of the Amazon Biodiversity Center, a Senior Fellow at the United Nations Foundation and Environmental Science and Policy Professor at George Mason University
Tom Steyer, NextGen America Founder
Mayor Victoria Woodards, Tacoma, Washington
Xiye Bastida, Arctic Angel, Co-Founder of the Re-Earth Initiative, and Fridays For Future Organizer