High end e-commerce travel business Luxury Escapes (https://luxuryescapes.com/au) is rejoining AFTA and is now ATAS-accredited.
Luxury Escapes has more than 3.5 million discerning members globally. It is owned by Lux Group Limited, a privately-owned business based in Melbourne which was founded in 2009 by Jeremy Same and Adam Schwab. Lux Group has more than 250 team members globally, with major offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Bangalore, Singapore and London.Quote attributable to AFTA CEO Darren Rudd:
“Now more than ever, we need unity and a unified front in order to maximise our impact. The addition of Luxury Escapes, a significant and influential global platform, to the AFTA and ATAS community is important and very welcome.”
Quote attributable to Luxury Escapes Co-Founder and CEO Adam Schwab:
“AFTA’s decision to take on more of an active advocacy role in order to shape our sector’s future is something we fully support at Luxury Escapes and which we want to be part of. We completely back the organisation led by Darren and Tom to achieve the best possible outcomes for our industry and we will do everything we can to assist AFTA supporting the sector as we recover from the wide-spread effects of the pandemic.”