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November sees the launch of Caravan Industry Association of Australia’s ‘Caravan / RV Road Safety’ initiative. In preparation for an expected take up in domestic road trip camping holidays this summer and with over 741,000 registered RV’s, throughout November and December education and awareness will be important in preparing Australians to safely enjoy their holidays. In the coming months, approx. 14 Million nights and 3.3 Million camping trips or more are expected to be taken.

Each day road safety information regarding pre-planning your trip to manage fatigue, appropriate use of rest stops including truck rest areas, vehicle preparation, sharing the road with trucks, UHF communication and towing will be promoted and shared. This information is relevant for all road users regardless of experience.

Safety is always important but with an expected surge in travel this summer with over 741,000 registered RVs (Recreational Vehicles) in Australia and additional interest from ‘first timers’ due to Covid preventing international holidaying, now is a crucial time to put this messaging ‘front of mind’.’ said Keelan Howard GM of Marketing & Communications, Caravan Industry Association of Australia.

Caravan Industry Association of Australia has developed in partnership with other state caravan associations, professional service providers and other relevant bodies such as the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and Queensland Trucking Association free to access consumer digital and print educational assets. This information will be presented using easy to digest videos, engaging online quizzes and written content across email, social media, and digital platforms. Each year tens of thousands of handbooks are distributed for free.