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According to in-house aggregated Atlas VPN user data, Virtual Private Network (VPN) installs in Thailand surged by 644% in the last few days. The interest in VPNs sky-rocketed immediately after Thailand’s government banned Pornhub and 190 other pornography websites late on Monday.

VPN is best described as a service that hides the user’s real IP address and encrypts his online traffic. As a result, these changes prevent nosy 3-rd parties such as the government, ISP (Internet Service Provider), or hackers, from tracking the user’s activities online.

Using a VPN helps overcome websites banned by Thailand’s government, which is why citizens hurried to download these services.

Atlas VPN decided to share their user data to shed light on VPNs’ current interest in Thailand. We used the average number of VPN installs in Thailand in the last 30 days as a baseline.

Data reveals that VPN installs started to sky-rocket on November 2, 2020, when the websites were banned. The number of installs jumped by a staggering 455% in just a day.

Then on November 3, 2020, Virtual Private Network installs grew even more, reaching an increase of 644%, compared to the baseline.

Internet censorship in Thailand

Porn websites and gambling websites are illegal under Thailand’s cybercrime law, which is why the ban took place. As a response to the ban, the activist group, which calls themselves the Anonymous Party, has commented on the situation stating they want to help reclaim Pornuhb as Thailand citizens are entitled to freedom of choice.

Pornhub also released interesting data stating that Thai users spent the most time on their website in 2019, on average staying 11 minutes and 21 seconds per visit.

Besides that, Thailand censors news media and social media. The censorship is mostly focused on removing content critical of the government, military, or the king.