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Following news that Bunnings’ sausage sizzles will soon make a comeback in some states, animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has written to Deb Poole, COO of the nationwide hardware store chain, asking her to consider allowing only vegan sausages at its fundraisers.

PETA’s letter to Poole highlights the devastating effect animal agriculture has on the environment as well as the health risks involved in eating animals, pointing to the novel coronavirus and potential future swine and bird flu pandemics.  

The group also notes that the World Health Organization has classified the consumption of processed meat – such as sausages – as “carcinogenic to humans” and that cruelty is inherent in the meat trade. Annually, some 72 billion land animals – all individuals with unique personalities who are capable of a wide range of emotions – are slaughtered for their flesh.

 “Tasty vegan foods are the key to preventing animal suffering, deadly zoonotic diseases, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and strokes,” says PETA Senior Outreach and Partnerships Manager Emily Rice. “By sizzling only vegan sausages, Bunnings can support charities while also supporting a better future for the planet, humans, and other animals.”

PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat” and which opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview – hosted a popular vegan sizzle earlier this year to raise funds for bushfire-affected wildlife.