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Currently the tourism industry is involved in a great debate about the future shape of tourism after the CoViD-19 crisis is over. One out of eight international travellers in 2019 carried a Mainland Chinese passport, so any discussion about global tourism post-virus has to include the behaviour and demands of Chinese outbound travellers.

COTRI, the China Outbound Tourism Research Institute, has just published ten eBooks which look back at the development of China’s outbound tourism from 2015 to 2019 to help to prepare for the 2020s.

A great number of special studies for different destinations and market segments first published in the nine issues of the COTRI MARKET REPORT before the periodical was turned into a series of eBooks, are still providing valuable information. The tenth eBook is dedicated to a collection of the best 100 Editorial published in COTRI WEEKLY between 2017 and 2019.

All publications illustrate the fast development and the strong growth in the second half of the first decade of the 21st century. They also show that in the new decade after CoViD-19 there is a need to learn from this period to find new ways of organising Chinese outbound tourism.

All publications are edited by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt, the CEO of COTRI. They can be purchased for immediate download as ePUB and as pdf file from the http://www.china-outbound.com website.

Price: 50 Euro / 100 Euro. No mailing fee.