As part of the OECS Environmental Webinar Series, the Caribbean NDC Finance Initiative (NDCFI) will host a webinar on Business in Climate: Partnering and Investing in Resilient Economies on Wednesday, 27 May 2020.
Increasing extreme climate-related impacts, international agreements and urgent demand for investments in resilient low-carbon economies have put ambitions for climate leadership on the Caribbean agenda. Meanwhile, the speed and intensity with which the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted individuals, communities, businesses, economies, and governments worldwide has called for urgent action across the board. The response has, and will continue to, demand immense resources and comes with huge challenges, especially for small, tourism-dependent economies with limited fiscal room to manoeuvre.
While the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 crisis remain uncertain, the climate crisis will not go away and investments in climate-resilient low-carbon economies remain urgent. Effectively tapping international climate finance, as well as mobilising private capital for climate investments will be essential to implementing and accelerating the commitments made in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that are at the heart of the Paris Climate Agreement.
A proactive dialogue between governments, international partners, and key private sector actors is central to advancing and accelerating NDC implementation, while weathering the storms of a global health crisis and its socioeconomic impacts in the Caribbean.
Webinar Objectives
Join us on 27 May 2020 from 10-11:30 am to explore and better understand:
The context and rationale for implementing increasingly ambitious climate commitments in the Caribbean,
The business case for investing in the development of low-carbon, climate-resilient economies in the Caribbean, especially in the context of a green recovery from the impacts of the global pandemic.
Investment opportunities related to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) made under the Paris Climate Agreement, and complimentary climate action
Opportunities to build back better by aligning COVID 19 crisis action and recovery plans with urgent investments in low-carbon, climate resilient economies
Target Audience
Investment, finance and insurance entities; energy developers; energy service companies; public utility companies; government agencies; public and private infrastructure developers; development agencies.