Norfolk Island will once again observe Australian Daylight Saving Time when it is introduced on Sunday 6 October 2019 and continues through to Sunday 5 April 2020.
The island first clocked on for Daylight Saving Time in 2017 following a call-out to the island community in which a majority 85% supported its introduction to enable more opportunities for residents and the many visitors to enjoy the wonderful array of activities and adventures available into the evening hours over the Summer and Autumn period.
This will also offer continuity with Norfolk Island remaining one hour ahead of New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory and one hour behind New Zealand, year-round with all observing Daylight Saving Time scheduling.
Daylight Saving Time commences on 6 October 2019 at 2.00am with clocks to be forwarded one hour to 3.00am and ends on 5 April 2020 at 2.00am with clocks turning back one hour to 1.00am.
To ensure successful implementation, the Norfolk Island Regional Council, as well as stakeholders on and off island, have been working with the Australian Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development to ensure the community and business are again well prepared for the change.
For further Norfolk Island information and inquiries contact Norfolk Island Tourism on or Freecall 1800 214 603.