27 young men and women between the ages of 16 to 23 years old began their apprenticeships or their studies at Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH (FBB) on the 1st of August. 18 apprentices started their commercial and technical vocational training as well as 9 students who started their in-house training in a dual study programme.
Dr. Manfred Bobke-von Camen, Chief Human Resources Officer of Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH: “For our 27 new apprentices and dual-study students, today marks a new chapter in their lives. They are laying down the foundations for their professional future. More than 500 applications show that the FBB, with its offers, is an attractive company to train with – we are currently training 100 apprentices and students. The application period for the 2020 training year also starts today. We would especially be happy about receiving applications from women who are interested in technical vocational training”.
Diverse perspectives
In the next two weeks, the apprentices and students will first gain an insight into the departments of the FBB and its three airport locations – a three day trip to Mirow in the Mecklenburg Lake District will be a highlight. Here, the apprentices and students will get to know each other better through joint activities. After this, the “newbies” will start their first practical assignments in the specialist departments at the SXF, TXL and BER locations. In the first year of training, the new apprentices and students will have mentors from higher classes on hand for help and advice. The apprentices’ theoretical training will take place in a block lesson for a total of 13 weeks per training year at a sixth form centre (Oberstufenzentrum) in Berlin or Brandenburg. With the three year training for the commercial apprenticeship and the three and a half years training for the commercial-technical occupations, the apprentices will acquire the IHK professional qualification after passing their exams. In three month rotations, the students will complete science-related courses at the Berlin School of Economics and Law and study-related practical assignments at FBB. After successful completion, they will receive the title of Bachelor.
Application phase for the 2020 training year has begun
1 August is also the start of the application phase for the 2020 training year. In the coming year, FBB will be offering nine vocational training programmes and five study programmes. The application deadline is 31 October 2019.
Vocational training programmes
• Air Traffic Assistant
• Electronic Engineer for Information and Systems Technology
• Electronic Engineer for Operating Technology
• Mechatronic Engineer
• Industrial Mechanic
• Security and Safety Specialist
• Office Management Staff
• Mechatronic Engineer with further qualifications for Fire Fighting
• Plant Mechanic for Sanitary, Heating and Air Conditioning Systems
Study programmes
• Business Administration / Real Estate
• Information Systems
• Technical Facility Management
• Industrial Electrical Engineering
• Civil Engineering