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Melco Resorts & Entertainment (Melco) and the General Union of Neighbourhood Associations of Macau (UGAMM) has jointly organized the “Melco Simple Acts of Kindness 2024 – Elderly Got Talent” event. The event aims to provide an opportunity for elderly individuals to come together, have fun, and find a sense of purpose and joy in preparing for a performance to share with their peers and families. It also marks the double celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th anniversary of Macau’s return to the motherland.

Taking place on August 24 at City of Dreams, the event attracted a total of around 500 community members. This included 75 performers across 9 performance teams, along with their friends and families who came to show their support, as well as members from 16 NGOs. Guests of honor included Mr. Luo Zhenyu, Director of Social Work Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR; Ms. Kam Kit Leng, Head of Senior Service Division, Social Welfare Bureau of Macao SAR; Mr. Lawrence Ho, Chairman and CEO, Melco; Mr. António José de Freitas, President, Macau Holy House of Mercy; Ms. Ng Siu Lai, President, UGAMM; Dr. Kent Wong, Chief Advisor, Melco and Mr. Chan Ka Leong, Director-General, UGAMM.

Mr. Lawrence Ho, Chairman and CEO of Melco, said, “We are honored to be co-organizing the ‘Elderly Got Talent’ event in collaboration with UGAMM. It is a joy to see our elderlies enjoying themselves with purpose and participating at the event, and to have the chance to come together for a fun and fruitful day out. Their dedication and effort in contributing to such great performances is both admirable and inspiring.”

Mr. Chan Ka Leong, Director-General of UGAMM said, “As a social service organization that loves the country and Macau, UGAMM has always been committed to providing quality services to residents while strengthening mutual interactive connections. This elderly talent event is co-organized with Melco to strengthen the gathering of elderlies in Macau, to showcase their talent, vitality, and vibrant style, and to enable local elderlies the chance to experience the festive atmosphere of the ‘Double Celebration Year’ together. It is hoped that a positive social atmosphere and the harmonious and stable development of Macau can be promoted through the community’s joint participation and celebration.”

A total of 9 performance teams, including from UGAMM, Macao Federation of Trade Unions, Women’s General Association of Macau, Caritas Macau, Macau Holy House of Mercy, Macau Deaf Association, Obra das Mães, and União Geral das Associações Desportivas dos Idosos de Macau presented a series of acts including dramas, cheongsam shows, sign language songs, dances, hand chimes, steel drums, and music band shows. The teams worked together to present diverse and exciting performances which showcased elements of patriotism and love for Macau. Their passionate performances were warmly received by the audience who applauded and cheered, expressing recognition and appreciation for the elders’ talent and efforts. Participants not only showcased their vitality, but expressed their deep love and best wishes to the motherland through their varied performances.