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Max NajarDON’T SCARE-JUST BE AWARE: I have been presenting commentary on Radio about Travel issues since 1980, and there is one constant issue I raise that causes massive feedback from listeners and announcers. It concerns travellers who receive court charges against them, get arrested for a crime or other issue, or are listed by federal, state, or Interpol listings for serious offences. I expand on this and advise listeners that many countries will deny entry, even if a visa is granted, as a visa is not an automatic right to enter.

I drill further and give examples that “your kids may never get to go to Disneyland” or “ you can be arrested upon entry in Asia or the Middle East “ -not to scare them, but to give a reality check. I mention this now as I think that State, Federal Governments, Smartraveller, ATIA and the travel industry, in cooperation with the reality TV Police programs and other media channels, as well as within schools, should publicise the fact that if an Offence is listed.

Charges or sentencing is made, then kiss travel goodbye. I believe this may disincentivize, sway and convince many (not all) humans to avoid committing a crime or an offence and maybe reduce the teenage and even adult crimes we are currently witnessing. Travel is true “gold’ for many, and I believe that such advice -which is not well known or mentioned- will do more good out there than harm.

DON’T PLAY THE BLAME GAME: Two constant “blame game” things annoy travel agents when some Hotels double-charge for a room. However, a client holds a prepaid voucher but relentlessly hassles clients without correctly verifying data against their database or prior received contracted communications. This causes clients headaches, and often, the Hotelier “blames the booking travel agent” when it is their error. Better Hotel staff training with synchronised data would be good!

The other is when Airlines demand monies for seating allocations, which a travel agent or consumer pays for, only to discover that those prepaid seats are not honoured. Apart from operational reasons that can be excused, the numerous times an Airline does not honour its promises is becoming all too familiar. These Airlines should adopt a policy to honour what they sell better monitor or, if undelivered, repay the seat costs by double what was outlaid.

DAMAGE CONTROL: What exists today but needs changing is stopping some (usually a smaller operator) Rental car companies from attempting to re-charge unassuming drivers for old vehicle damage when this old damage existed before the new rental. Renters should always take their date and time-stamped videos and photos if verifications are required. This 30-second data capture could save huge damage bills and litigation issues!

WHAT IS NEW CAN ALSO BE CRAPPY: Within the complex travel industry, there is a new Airline controlled database/website that many are adopting called the  NDC system (New Distribution Capability). Or is it NDeliberate Choices? The future will be on my side as I regard this concept as a total waste of money and time as it only delivers limited Airline choices with Airline subsidized preferred partners that no consumer should be fooled into accepting as anything else but a biased, one-sided platform invented by some Airlines to sell only their services. Awareness needs to be made that these same Airlines have had massive (current) website issues, and lack of data controls will demand (not request) consumers’ details and data they can sell to other third parties!

The guilty Airlines would serve consumers better if they invested more in more credible websites, plus payout compensation to consumers and travel agents when they screw up. No NDC system can compete with a professional travel advisor who uses their unbiased multi-airline Computer Reservation Systems. I think NDC was introduced by business executives and chartered accountants who forgot the words “choices” and “unbiased options” when they threw their money and resources into such a crappy NDC concept. Consumers want choices and options and better services. As proof of silly mistakes, look at what happened to American Airlines, which had to reverse its decision after attempting to extract travel agents from doing business with consumers by going directly! Millions $$ losses, Management sacked.

“AUSSIE” FAIR GO MUST APPLY:  The ACL Australian Consumer Laws should be amended now without succumbing to the pressures of some airlines lobbying for new ACL travel laws not to proceed. Stronger laws must be instigated now – as they apply in the USA and EUROPE. I think the payouts should be a minimum of $800 per person in case of most (not all) flight cancellations or severe disruptions that could have been avoided with reasonable ATIA-recommended financial compensation also paid to the original booking travel agent.

The travel agent must communicate with their clients, use logic and expertise to research, book and reissue tickets, and attend to the domino effect to adjust ongoing connecting flights, transfers, tours, cruises, etc. Such services are often performed after hours and interrupt the travel advisor’s personal space. Additionally, the new ACL laws must be attached to allow large fines against Airlines with legal reprimands to the Airline staff who do not adhere to these new rules or do not bother to advise consumers of their rights. It’s great that ATIA is already approaching Federal Ministers to adopt some of these changes. We have been mistreated and ripped off for far too long.

WEAK AS WATER  SECURITY: The current simple supposed airline check-in security rule of only allowing 100ml liquid as check-in cabin carryon for each person is wrong. This past knee-jerk security idea needs to be abolished. Have they never heard of math? A group travelling together can merge their liquids, amassing 1 litre plus, destroying any purported security idea as nonsensible. Airline staff can’t monitor this. I am glad that some airports and airlines have not implemented this ruling. Still, such inconsistencies confuse travellers if they pass through via 3 or 4 different Airports with these inconsistent rulings! Sheer “security” stupidity as it just adds to a traveller’s travel pressures!




Written by: Max Najar of Axis Travel Centre





