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Women Prioritize Travel Experiences Over Material Goods.In a compelling shift in travel trends, women increasingly prioritise enriching travel experiences over material possessions, almost twice as much as men. A comprehensive survey conducted by The Global Rescue Companies, a leader in travel risk management and crisis response, revealed that 77% of women value travel experiences more than material goods, surpassing 55% of men who feel the same way.

Travel: A Gateway to Enrichment

“Women are more inclined to embrace the ‘You Only Live Once’ (YOLO) mindset, seeking experiences that enrich their lives rather than accumulating tangible possessions,” stated Dan Richards, CEO of The Global Rescue Companies and member of the U.S. Travel and Tourism Advisory Board. This shift is reflected in how travel marketing is increasingly tailored towards women, highlighting the importance of experiential travel.

Gender-Specific Preferences in Travel

The survey highlights distinct preferences between men and women when choosing travel destinations. While 37% of women prioritize landscapes such as mountains, jungles, savannahs, deserts, canyons, volcanoes, or glaciers, an equal percentage of men (37%) prefer destinations that offer adventure activities like scuba diving, skiing, mountaineering, trekking, fishing, and safaris.

The Power of Discretionary Spending

Stephanie Diamond, VP of Human Capital Management for Global Rescue, pointed out that women are projected to control 75% of all household discretionary spending by 2028, a trend that further underscores the increasing prioritization of travel experiences among women. “Studies suggest that women may prioritize work-life balance more than men, leading to a higher valuation of travel as a means of personal enrichment,” Diamond explained.

Technology and Safety in Travel

The survey also revealed gender differences in the use of technology during travel. More than half of the men (53%) have used a satellite phone or messaging device during their trips, with a significant portion using these devices for emergency communications. In contrast, women (32%) are less likely to use satellite communication devices, but when they do, they are 21% more likely than men to use these devices for urgent or important communications.

Shared Values in Travel Companions

Interestingly, men and women share similar views on the characteristics of an ideal travel companion. Both genders agree that a “compatible travel style” is the most important positive trait, while a “negative attitude” is the most off-putting.

A Shift Towards Experience Over Possessions

These findings reflect a broader cultural shift towards valuing experiences and adventures over material accumulation. “Travelers are increasingly focused on making memories rather than accumulating things, reinforcing the attitude that life is best measured by the adventures we undertake and the connections we create along the way,” Richards emphasized.

This trend is not just about travel; it signifies a more profound societal movement towards prioritizing personal growth and life-enriching experiences. As women continue to dominate discretionary spending and influence travel trends, the travel industry will likely see a continued emphasis on creating and marketing enriching travel experiences.

The survey underscores a transformative trend in the travel industry, with women leading the charge towards prioritizing travel experiences over material goods. This shift highlights the growing importance of enriching life experiences, a trend that is expected to continue shaping the future of travel.

The preference for landscapes among women and adventure activities among men signifies diverse interests that the travel industry must cater to. With women projected to control a significant portion of discretionary spending, their influence on travel trends will be profound, driving an increased focus on experiential travel.




Written by: Octavia Koo





