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The teenage years are a time of physical and metabolic change, as the body moves from childhood to adulthood and the person undergoes a series of transitions. Dental crowding occurs when a person’s jaw has insufficient space for all the adult teeth to erupt. There are three main reasons for dental crowding; a small jaw, large or even extra teeth, and it could be any combination of the 3 that causes crowding.

Early detection

If a child is visiting their dentist every few months, dental crowding would be detected by the healthcare professional and treatments can be discussed. One possibility is invisible aligners that are specially formed by the dentist, which trains the teeth to grow straight.  Clear aligners are a game-changer; no teenager wants to be seen with wire braces and brands such as ClearCorrect that Australian dentists prefer to use are invisible when worn. Children tend to be fussy over their appearance and crooked teeth can cause a loss of self-confidence; ask your son/daughter to open their mouth and check that their teeth are straight and there are no signs of crowding. You will find a lot of useful information on Beseen, a leading Australian dental hub with up-to-date information.

Treatment options

There are a number of effective treatments for dental crowding, which include;

  • Clear aligners – ClearPilot is one brand that is very popular; clear aligners are moulded by the dentist to exert pressure on specific teeth to straighten them out. The device is removable, which is ideal for eating and brushing your teeth and once in place, no one would know you are wearing it.
  • Palatal expander – This device increases the width of the upper jaw, allowing erupting teeth more room. Surgery might be required in some cases and possible in combination with tooth extraction.
  • Tooth extraction – One major cause of dental crowding is too many teeth for the available space; the dentist might recommend extraction to allow the other teeth to have room to erupt. One thing you cannot do is nothing, as the problem will not go away; make an appointment with your nearest dentist and let the professional assess the situation.

Psychological effects

Teenagers can be brutal and will tease friends who are different in any way; school bullying is a real thing and should a child have dental crowding, treatment should be sought as soon as possible. Crooked teeth can be a target of teasing and if that is happening to your child, action needs to be taken. Dental entrepreneurs are winning awards worldwide, as the industry advances and evolves around patient needs.

Types of dental crowding

There are numerous types of crowding;

  • Anterior crowding – When the front teeth protrude or have a forward tilt.
  • Posterior crowding – When the back teeth are misaligned.
  • Rotational crowding – Teeth can rotate on their axis, which can impact oral hygiene.
  • Crossbite crowding – When the upper teeth are behind the lower teeth.
  • Horizontal crowding – When teeth are horizontally compressed.
  • Vertical crowding – Overlapping teeth cause bite issues.

Any of the above can combine to create a unique situation, and the dentist is the best person to see; a thorough oral examination and the answers to a few questions would enlighten the healthcare professional.









