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Tokyo Tourism is delighted to unveil the spectacular lineup of Japan’s top fireworks festivals set to illuminate the Tokyo skies this summer! Celebrated for their breathtaking displays of “hanabi” or fireworks, these events showcase the unparalleled artistry and creativity of Japan’s pyrotechnic creators, captivating audiences with bursts of shifting colours and shapes reminiscent of flowers blooming in the night sky.

The Sumida River Fireworks Festival, renowned as the most historically significant event of its kind in Japan, traces its origins back to 1733. Initially conceived as a commemoration for the spirits of famine victims and a means to avert disaster, the festival has evolved over the centuries. Today, it offers a multifaceted experience where numerous skilled pyrotechnic artisans vie for recognition, presenting their expertise before a discerning panel of judges. This creative competition yields a stunning array of imaginative fireworks, captivating spectators of all ages. Scheduled for July 27th this year, the festival holds profound cultural significance. Rooted in the tradition of honouring departed souls, fireworks symbolize wishes for peace and tranquillity. As part of Japan’s annual “Obon” observance, which reveres ancestral spirits, summer events, including those in Tokyo, often incorporate fireworks as a poignant expression of remembrance and reverence.

As summer approaches, Tokyo eagerly anticipates numerous remarkable fireworks festivals, each offering a unique and unforgettable experience. Here we introduce the top 6 festivals with the greatest number of fireworks.


Date: July 3rd, 19:30 Location: East Tama Area

Highlights: Launched to the tune of popular Japanese pop songs from the 1970s and 80s, this event promises a nostalgic journey through Japan’s musical history. Please note that all venue seats are reservation-only for a fee.

The 46th Adachi Fireworks

Date: July 20th, 19:20 Location: Adachi

Highlights: Witness the magic as 13,000 fireworks light up the night sky in a breathtaking one-hour show. The language selector is available on the website for international visitors.

Katsushika Noryo Fireworks Festival

Date: July 23rd, 19:20 Location: Shibamata

Highlights: Experience the powerful sound and vibrant colours up close as the fireworks launch from the nearby viewing ground, ensuring a truly immersive experience.

Sumida River Fireworks Festival

Date: July 27th, 19:00 Location: Asakusa

Highlights: As the country’s most historic fireworks event dating back to 1733, the Sumida River Fireworks Festival offers a mesmerizing display visible from high-rise buildings and observation decks in the city centre.

Itabashi Fireworks Festival

Date: August 3rd, 19:00 Location: Itabashi

Highlights: Prepare to be amazed by the 700m-long waterfall-like spectacle known as “Niagara Falls” and the massive “Shakugosundama” fireworks reaching a diameter of 360m when fully open in the sky.

Edogawa Fireworks Festival

Date: August 24th, 19:15 Location: Edogawa

Highlights: Renowned for its opening scene featuring layers upon layers of fireworks and the breathtaking launch of 1,000 rockets in just 5 seconds, this festival promises an awe-inspiring experience for all.

Join Tokyo Tourism as we celebrate the magic of summer with these six extraordinary fireworks festivals, where the night sky comes alive with vibrant colours and dazzling displays. For more information and event updates, please visit our events calendar https://www.gotokyo.org/en/event-calendar/