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Voringsfossen_hf4503_Foto_Meng_TianAs summer approaches with its promise of warmth and clear skies, the allure of Norway’s waterfalls grows stronger. Nestled within the stunning fjord landscapes, these natural wonders offer a refreshing escape from the heat. Norway is home to ten of the world’s tallest waterfalls, most in the breathtaking Fjord Norway region. Embark on a journey through this land of cascading waters and discover the top ten waterfall experiences that will leave you in awe.

Vøringsfossen: Norway’s Iconic Waterfall

Vøringsfossen, the crown jewel of Norwegian waterfalls, is a sight to behold with its dramatic 182-meter drop from the Hardangervidda plateau. Easily accessible via the main road between Bergen and Oslo, Vøringsfossen is part of the National Tourist Routes Hardangervidda. Recent additions of walkways and bridges have made it possible for visitors to get incredibly close to the mighty waters, ensuring an unforgettable experience.

Steinsdalsfossen: Walk Behind the Waterfall

Located in the village of Norheimsund in the Hardangerfjord, Steinsdalsfossen stands out for its unique feature – a walkway that allows you to walk behind the waterfall. This thrilling experience provides an unparalleled perspective of the cascading water. The waterfall is easily reachable from the road and is a popular stop on fjord tours from Bergen.

The Double Charm of Låtefoss

Låtefoss, with its twin waterfalls, Skarsfossen and Låtefossen, is a marvel of nature. Situated close to the main road between Stavanger and Bergen, this location is particularly stunning in the spring when the water flow is at its peak. The sight of water seemingly flowing over the stone bridge is a favourite among photographers and nature enthusiasts.

Langfoss: The Award-Winning Waterfall

Langfoss, recognized as the world’s most beautiful waterfall by the World Waterfall Database, is located along the Åkrafjord near Haugesund. The waterfall’s 610-meter drop is a spectacular sight, and hiking to the top offers panoramic views of the fjord below. Guided tours are available for those who prefer a more structured adventure. CNN Travel has also included Langfoss in its list of the world’s top ten most beautiful waterfalls.

Kjosfossen: Huldra Dancing in the Waterfall

Kjosfossen, located in the scenic Flåm Valley, is 225 meters high. It is accessible via the Flåm Railway, which stops just below the waterfall, providing a close-up view. Snowmelt increases the waterfall’s volume in the spring, making it even more impressive. Visitors can also enjoy a live performance depicting the Huldra, a mythical forest creature, dancing in front of the waterfall.

The Seven Sisters: A Geirangerfjord Spectacle

The Seven Sisters waterfall, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Geirangerfjord, is famed for resembling seven graceful sisters descending the mountainside. Plunging 250 meters into the fjord, this waterfall offers a mesmerizing view from cruise ships and mountain viewpoints. The legend of the seven maidens dancing adds a mystical charm to the already enchanting sight.

Mardalsfossen: A Majestic Hike in Ålesund

Mardalsfossen, one of Europe’s tallest waterfalls, is in Møre og Romsdal county. With a height of 705 meters, this regulated waterfall flows from June 20th to August 20th each year. The hike to Mardalsfossen is approximately 30 minutes from the trailhead and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. This natural spectacle is a must-visit for anyone exploring the Ålesund region.

Feigefossen: The Mighty Cascade

Feigefossen, situated in the Stranda municipality, captivates visitors with its 218-meter drop. Accessible via a scenic drive followed by a short hike, Feigefossen offers a chance to witness nature’s raw power up close. The waterfall’s towering presence and majestic flow make it a highlight of any trip to Møre og Romsdal county.

Bordalsgjelet: A Symphony of Waterfalls

Bordalsgjelet, located near Voss, features a series of majestic waterfalls cascading down cliffs into lush valleys. With its highest waterfall dropping 320 meters, Bordalsgjelet provides a spectacular view and a glimpse into the geological forces shaping the region. This site, rich in natural beauty and history, is accessible by a scenic drive or a hike up the hillside.

Hengjanefossen is one of the most popular stopping points for sightseeing boats.

Hengjanefossen is one of the most popular stopping points for sightseeing boats.

Hengjanefossen: A Lysefjorden Gem

Hengjanefossen, towering at 410 meters, is a popular stop for sightseeing boats touring Lysefjorden in Ryfylke. Visitors can get close to the waterfall by boat and even fetch clean, clear water in a bucket. The hike along the north side of Lysefjorden also passes by this impressive waterfall, making it a favourite for tourists and hikers alike.


Norway’s waterfalls offer a spectacular escape into nature’s wonders, each with its unique charm and beauty. From the iconic Vøringsfossen to the enchanting Seven Sisters, these cascades provide unforgettable experiences that will refresh and inspire. Whether you’re looking to hike, photograph, or marvel at these natural wonders, the Kingdom of Waterfalls awaits your exploration.

For more information on planning your trip to Norway’s waterfalls, visit Visit Norway.




Written by: Jason Smith





