ATEC welcomes the announcement of a new federally funded program to support Australian tourism businesses build confidence with the China visitor market through its China Host training program.
“We are pleased to welcome this sizable investment by the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations (NFACR) in supporting tourism operators across the country – big or small – to understand the complexity, opportunity and expectations of Chinese visitors,” ATEC Managing Director Peter Shelley said of the announcement.
“We are proud to be offering the industry access to our China Host training program which provides the most up to date content focused on attracting and servicing Chinese visitors with specific focus on being culture ready, service ready, product ready and trade engagement.
“ATEC has already partnered with Destination NSW in delivering China Host to over 200 tourism businesses, with this new funding announced by Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong and Minister for Trade and Tourism Don Farrell, we will expand the program to a further 500 tourism businesses nationally.”
The training program is being supported by the NFACR as part of its mandate to support enhanced engagement with China in the national interest.
ATEC will lead a program of up to 18 workshops across Australia which will help tourism businesses build capability in delivering tourism experiences to Chinese visitors.
Businesses will have access to ATEC’s extensive, self-paced, online China Host training program coupled with a face-to-face workshop in each state with graduates receiving micro credential digital badging.
“Importantly this program will target First Nation’s tourism businesses and tourism businesses in regional Australia to build their profile and generate more business by helping them understand the expectations and preferences of Chinese visitors, particularly as this market rebuilds,” Mr Shelley said.
China Host is a comprehensive training program for tourism businesses with or without experience in the China market. The program delivered under the grant will kick off in Western Australia followed by Victoria and other states.