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Magnus Wrahme, CEO of World of Volvo, welcomed the first visitors.Sunday marked the grand opening of World of Volvo, Gothenburg’s new experience centre. The premiere day was filled with innovation, inspiration, and entertainment for the whole family, combined into a true festival atmosphere – with a total of 3,279 visitors.

April 14 is Volvo’s birthday – but this year, there was call for a double celebration as World of Volvo also opened its doors to the public. During the premiere day, there were activities appealing to both adults and children. Workshops, co-labs, music, art, and live performances were some of the highlights of the day. Additionally, the visitors had free entry to the exhibition – an exhibition which takes you on a Volvo journey from past to present and into the future.

“People that wanted to visit us on our premiere day reserved their tickets for the exhibition in advance so that we could plan for the number of visitors. When the tickets were released, they were booked up the same day. This shows great interest in World of Volvo among the people of Gothenburg, which makes us very happy,” says Ulrika Sandford, Marketing & Communications Manager at World of Volvo.

The Sunday event also featured a musical performance by GöteborgsOperan as well as a lecture by the world-famous portrait photographer Martin Schoeller, who has contributed to the exhibition with his powerful portraits of people who have survived traffic accidents thanks to the three-point safety belt – one of Volvo’s most well-known safety innovations.

“The premiere day was a big day for all of us who have been working on this project for a long time. Seeing World of Volvo filled with visitors has been the goal from day one, and it was amazing to see it happen for the first time. World of Volvo is Gothenburg’s new landmark, and we look forward to welcoming lots of visitors in the future,” says Magnus Wrahme, CEO of World of Volvo.