In an unprecedented display of female empowerment and commitment to environmental stewardship, 188 women from 25 nations have embarked on an epic Antarctic voyage. This historic journey, led by the global leadership initiative Homeward Bound, marks a monumental step in advocating for sustainable practices and amplifying women’s voices in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (STEMM).
As the world grapples with the escalating challenges of climate change, these 188 pioneers, including 82 from Australia and four from New Zealand, set sail on a 19-day journey to one of the planet’s most remote and environmentally sensitive regions. More than a voyage, this expedition represents a clarion call for urgent action against the backdrop of a changing world.
Pamela Sutton-Legaud, CEO of Homeward Bound, articulates the expedition’s core purpose: “Our goal is to elevate the role of women in STEMM and foster collaborative efforts for more sustainable solutions for our planet. This adventure offers an unmatched perspective on Antarctica, a region that not only signals the early effects of climate change but also symbolizes the vulnerability of our natural environment.”
This journey is not merely a physical traverse across icy waters but a symbolic march towards breaking barriers in gender equality and scientific leadership. Australia and New Zealand, directly confronting the impacts of climate change through rising sea levels and devastating wildfires, have a vested interest in this mission. However, the underrepresentation of women in key decision-making roles within these sectors remains a glaring issue.
Sutton-Legaud emphasizes, “Homeward Bound is dedicated to empowering women in STEMM, equipping them with the necessary tools to excel and lead, especially in the critical battle for our planet’s sustainability. As climate change’s drastic effects become increasingly evident, the world must create avenues for these women’s ideas to resonate globally.”
The broader mission of Homeward Bound is profoundly ambitious yet essential: to empower 10,000 women with STEMM backgrounds by 2036, enabling them to lead, influence, and contribute decisively to policy and decision-making for a sustainable future. Preceding the voyage, the participants underwent a rigorous 12-month virtual leadership program, honing their leadership, strategic, and impact-driven skills.
Throughout the voyage, their learning continues through lectures, workshops, and collaborative sessions, all designed to refine their individual leadership skills in the quest for global change and sustainability.
Sutton-Legaud reflects, “As these women chart their course through this formidable journey, they embody the principle that women in STEMM are not merely interpreters of our planet’s challenges but the architects of its solutions. They galvanize a global movement towards a more balanced leadership paradigm and a brighter future for our world.”
ACCIONA, a global leader in sustainable infrastructure and renewable energy solutions, supports this transformative journey. This partnership resonates deeply with the shared vision of fostering female leadership in STEMM disciplines to confront future challenges head-on.
The first voyage, The Ushuaia, concludes its journey in Argentina on November 22, while the second, The Island Sky, returns on December 1, 2023. For more insights into this inspiring cohort and their mission, visit
Written by: Yves Thomas