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Study uses data to reveal which global cities are most accessible and attractive for remote workers by assessing factors related to remote working infrastructure, living costs, infrastructure and liveability, in addition to showing current location trends.

  • Barcelona is the highest ranking city in the index, scoring well for employment compliance factors, citizen happiness and its digital nomad visa. Dubai and Prague rank second and third.

  • Dubai ranks best for Income tax, meaning remote workers keep more of their salaries, followed by  Hong Kong and Singapore.

  • The city with the happiest citizens is Copenhagen, followed by Bern and Wellington.

  • Over 1500 cities were studied, US, UK and other relevant countries suffered due to lack of remote working Visas.

Berlin, Germany, October 2023 – global employment specialists WorkMotion.com have released a study that analyses the ease of complying with local employment laws and ranks the attractiveness of 85 global cities for remote workers. As a company that helps companies hire employees based anywhere in the world, WorkMotion decided to rank the cities according to their remote working compliance regulations, cost of living, infrastructure and liveability. Additionally, they used proprietary data to illustrate current location trends by showing where remote workers are currently being hired from. The resulting index reveals which cities are facilitating remote working best, and which are most attractive for remote workers to relocate to, as well as current remote worker patterns.

How the study was conducted:

WorkMotion began the study by identifying a list of indicators that impact whether a city is a good place for relocation, covering employment compliance regulations, infrastructure, costs and liveability. They then assessed thousands of global cities against a range of factors related to remote working, before selecting the best scoring 85 cities.

The study looks at, Remote Working Infrastructure, they assessed how straightforward it is for companies to compliantly hire remote workers based on local legislation, in addition to the legal requirements they must adhere to when employing a remote worker. They also identified whether the locations in the study offered a specific visa for remote workers.

The study also analysed the cost of living in each city by studying local tax rates, housing costs and availability, and how affordable the city is for food, energy and other living expenses.

Following this, they moved on to review each city’s civic infrastructure by assessing ease of getting a visa. The cities’ level of safety and security was also evaluated, in addition to the quality of the health system and the access citizens have to healthcare.

To conclude the research, they assessed each city’s liveability by looking at the quality and variety of the cultural attractions on offer, the cost and quality of the mobility and data on citizens’ happiness.

The resulting study provides an assessment of the current remote working landscape by ranking 80 global cities for their accessibility and attractiveness for this demographic.