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A first aid kit is an important part of any household. It serves as a backup resource to help in cases of injuries, minor illnesses, other medical care, and emergencies. In this article, we’ll take a look at the essential medical supplies that every home first aid kit should have.

Dressings and bandages

Bandages of different sizes. Bandages are designed to treat cuts, scratches and other wounds. They can be used to protect the wound from infection and control bleeding.

Bandages and plaster. They help to secure the bandages and the wound. A cast is often used to immobilize an injured joint or bone.

Plasters. Plasters are essential for covering small cuts and scratches. They can also be used to protect against friction caused by rubbing.


Medical alcohol. It is used to clean and disinfect the skin before applying a bandage or patch.

Hydrogen peroxide. An important antiseptic for wound treatment.

Antiseptic wipes. Convenient for use on the road or in situations where it is not possible to use medical alcohol.

Other medical products

Medical gloves. To protect against infection when providing care and coming into contact with blood.

Thermometer. It is important for measuring body temperature and identifying suspicious conditions.

Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Pre-medication for pain relief and inflammation reduction in case of minor illnesses.

Antihistamines. They help with allergic reactions and insect bites.

Other useful items

Scissors and tweezers. For cutting bandages and treating wounds.

Medical glue. For gluing cuts and incisions.

First aid instructions and important phone numbers. It is important to have a first aid manual and emergency numbers in your home pharmacy.


Periodically check the contents of your first aid kit and make sure all items are not expired. Also, teach all family members how to use the first aid kit and provide assistance in emergency situations. A home medical kit is an indispensable tool to ensure safety and help in various situations, so be prepared and always have it on hand.









