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Students learning to sail on TongarraThis Friday, October 27, a total of 31 Grade 11 and 12 students from 10 schools between Calen and Sarina will complete their last practical session in a year-long specially tailored ‘Coxswain’ course, aboard state-of-the-art vessel and nationally acclaimed Best New Tourism business ‘Wildcat Mackay’.

 Officially part of the Queensland Government’s Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS) program, enabling students to gain nationally recognized qualifications while still at school, the course is part of an initiative led by Wildcat Mackay owner Asher Telford and delivered in partnership with the Whitsunday Maritime Training Centre (WMTC).  

 Ultimately, what began as Mr Telford’s search for a solution to industry-wide staff shortages has also resulted in career pathways for local youth.

 Media are invited to see this first cohort of students depart for their last practical trip before qualifying and capture relevant content for the story.

  WHEN: Friday, October 27, 8.30-9.30am 

WHERE: Wildcat Mackay office, Mackay Marina 

VISION: Students gathering for their last practical session and boarding Wildcat Mackay.

foreground – Caleb Robertson, Owen Norton, Cooper Stuckey

  INTERVIEW OPPS: (on the day plus in advance) 

·       Asher Telford: owner of the Red Cat Adventures Group encompassing Airlie Beach-based Red Cat Adventures, Whitsunday Jetski Tours, and Mackay-based Wildcat Mackay.  

·       Deb Duggan: WMTC Training Coordinator who has been delivering the course for the Mackay students.  

·       Participating students

·       Al Grundy: CEO Mackay Tourism