Singapore online travel company, Travel Trade Marketplace, launches EQUATOR as a true marketplace for the tourism sector. All companies can buy and sell on one plaBorm which
integrates the B2B and D2C business models. Sellers have full control over segment pricing and customer engagement based on a low transacHon fee. Its iniHal release lets accommodaHon operators promote rooms and F&B to pre-qualified customers from different industries and business segments. Other products are scheduled for subsequent releases and will make Equator a one stop trading plaBorm and markeHng channel.
Hotels’ online sales grew significantly over the last decade but so had corresponding costs. Opportunity costs had also increased due to duplicaHon and undesired exposure. Long supply
chains weighed on margins, altered brand stories, price diluHon and impacted customer turnaround Hme. Equator’s true e-commerce model provides full transparency between buyers and sellers, content from original source, and undisrupted pricing. The co-markeHng soluHon further lowers markeHng costs. Its Market Segmented Pricing (MSP) System gives sellers full control over customer viewership and pricing by markets, industries, and business segments. The B2B creators’ module lets sellers enhance product offerings by adding complementary products from other operators at a finger’s touch, free of operaHons and fulfilment. The best pracHces of online and offline sales are combined to generate more quality business, stronger coverage and wider reach at lower cost of sales.
Senior VP – Global DistribuHon for Absolute Hotel Services (operator of EasHn Hotels, U Hotels & Resorts, and Travelodge Hotels) Mr. Nicolas Ishkanian said: “Within the vast online landscape, Equator’s different ways of driving online travel sales, serves as the gateway to boundless new possibiliHes.”
Head of Sales & MarkeHng of Berjaya Hotels & Resorts, Mr. Gary Tay said: “This collaboraHon with Equator epitomises our shared values of technological innovaHon, allowing us to complement our business by delivering new customer perspecHves and dynamic synergies going forward.”
Equator’s major shareholder, Chan Brothers InternaHonal’s Mr. Anthony Chan, also Group MD of Chan Brothers Travel added: “We are delighted to be part of this revoluHonary model, not
just stakeholders but as user of Equator’s distribuHon system. It provides ready to market products at unmarked B2B prices from operators. We can ensure best pricing for our customers and expand our relaHonship with travel operators.”
Founder & CEO Fred Seow highlighted: “We will also launch our first industry wide iniHaHve, Tourism ID staff program. All personnel in tourism, especially the many behind the scenes,
can enjoy industry rates for personal travel. At zero markup and zero commission, deals that are direct from operators are genuine, alike an industry privilege. As we usually travel off peak
when less busy, it’s a win-win for all parHes. From posiHve response, we will bring forward our co-markeHng module for hotels to achieve conHnuous engagement with customers. We
believe Equator is a sustainable alternaHve for travel operators to drive more direct business, deliver stronger benefits to partners and offer stronger values to travellers.”