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The China Outbound Tourism Research Institute started a new service for all companies, organisations and private persons interested in a deeper understanding and advise for successful action. COTRI INTELLIGENCE (https://cotri-intelligence.ghost.io) is the new home of the “COTRI weekly Editorial” by the editor Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt, which has a loyal follower group of more than 3,500 tourism experts and practicioners. Weekly news, data and articles are also available free for all registered readers. Tags and an internal search engine help to find all relevant content for a specific topic.

For companies and organisations seriously involved in Chinese outbound tourism and interested to learn about the post-pandemic behaviour of Chinese consumers, a Premium subscription adds consulting deep dives and analyses written especially for COTRI INTELLIGENCE every week.

Prof. Dr. Arlt, CEO of COTRI and editor of COTRI INTELLIGENCE: “Readers find a treasure chest of previous and weekly updated content going deeper and being less biased than most of the China-related content you find online. Now that almost all destinations are open again for Chinese travellers, optimism has returned to the industry about the future development of China’s outbound tourism. More air capacity is now available and the visa application congestion is easing, therefore the time seems right to start a service which will help to rectify the many misunderstandings and to overcome outdated views with regard to the new wave of Chinese outbound travellers and their needs and expectations. The free registration at https://cotri-intelligence.ghost.io takes just one minute, everybody is welcome to join!”

The experience of 2023 so far has confirmed that most post-pandemic Chinese travellers no longer concentrate on shopping and sightseeing, but look for unique, experiential activities and newly discovered destinations, from craft beer tasting trips to outdoor adventures. This development provides many opportunities for new service providers, but makes it also necessary to understand the market and to follow its changes and segmentations.